Tuesday, July 7, 2009


so today = first day of school = start of -______- things = Y.Y time

haHaHAha okay not funny... :X
but still today was a really weird kind of day...
cos one: I tied my hair. -_____-
that is a really bad thing, cos i hated having to touch my hair and feeling if the clip was out of place n having to clip it back into place again EVERY FEW SECONDS. -.-
not even minutes can ==
two: I was filmed -.-
On the news.
AT FIRST I thought it was only for channelnewsasia. -.-
so WRONG of me. =.=
only in chinese lesson then Mrs Tan Woan Chyn went to tell us that the news will be filmed on channel 8, channel U, channel 5, n channelnewsasia T.T
I was like O_O then i went T.T n I tell u,
Im so gonna hide in my bedroom or knock the wall if i see my face in the papers n on the telly -.-
I really am going to deny that that is me n not accept the fact that my PARENTS N SIBLINGS are gonna see me IN the telly walking n smiling unnaturally -.-
but yuju their class oso got filmed (: hahaha.
somemore they had to be filmed twice?
I think so...while saying the PLEDGE xD
Tats why I was saying, since they like to film so much,
why not they film the class saying the pledge in all languages:
English, Chinese, Malay and even Indian...or better...hokkien n cantonese xD
IF they can (:

so yea, tat was the first half,
n homeroom system was suspended :D
so we stayed in class all day :D
feels just like primary school now :X
n we had lots of fun....
even though last period was really disastrous....CF...
Mr Tan took over as our "temporary" CF tcher. hahas
then we had to do this social responsibilty or sth...
aiya, all has to do with H1N1 wan ==
so yea, n we had to make this tower with NEWSPAPERS :O
n we failed -.-
but cousin's grp made it man (:
not bad uh, CONGRATS YEA :D

YEP so tats ABOUT IT.
nth much funny about todaeeeeee.....
so i guess I will continue n PROCEED to do Mua's Homework :D ==
which i dun like to do --..-- HAHAHAHAHA CUTE RIGHT
maybe not much...
but I still find it cute LOL.

so time out and have a good lucky day peepos X)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I'm gonna cut my hair C:

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