Monday, September 6, 2010


Hey people (:
How yall doing? (:
Hahaha yeayea I understand, Life's going as per normal AS USUAL. (:

Haha just got my phone bill from my mum and..
YAY I improved and my bill kinda went down.. a little bit.
HEH. (:
and i clearly know the reason why but well.
I improved kay (:

Sorry but I gotta comment on sth first.

I feel that life is all about competition. Whether its at school, at work or even at home. Some people even compete with themselves inside. I find that regardless of who you are, where u are, when it is, its ALWAYS a competition. It may be a BIG competition like the olympics, or a competition between ur classmates or colleagues for authority, for credit, for praise. It may seem in most people's eyes that the winner takes it all. But the winner has to fight to the end of it all to be deemed as the ultimate winner. And sometimes it can be tiring, but in this kind of society, everyone HAS to fight. Fight for survival and fight for a place in this world. That is why there are different people in this big world. Some people are born to be fighters. Fighters that never give up to the end and always succeed. Some others were born with different gentler personalities who feel that fighting just isn't the way to do things and would rather give in all the while and will end up as nothing great in the society in most cases unless they've done some other noble thing which brings us to another story. But there is also another group of people who just cannot face the fact, face the cruel fact of this world and just choose to give up even before they begin the fight after witnessing and feeling demoralised by the loss of others and are determined that they would never win in this world. However, the last group of people are the lucky lot. They are able to accept this world, accept the challenge, accept the competition, but nevertheless, remain happy even when they fall down and lose at times. They can be smiling all the while, they have a positive attitude and even though they know they were never born to win all the time, they are happy and satisfied and laugh at themselves even when they fall down.
My conclusion: What a Practical world.

PHEW Okay. I've got it all down (:
Hahaha real sorry if yall don't understand what I've just written,
cause for a huge daydreamer like me,
I sometimes like to think about these kinda stuff
HAHA YESYES weird I know.
But well.
That's just Me. (:
And hey, ain't this what a blog is all about?
Penning down ur thoughts and all. (:
I'm making full use of this darling blog of mine (:
hahahaha (:

Okey dokes.
I gtg continue revising my chemmmmmmm alrdy (:
BYEEEE peepol. xD

xoxoxo Its really nice to receive some care and concern every once in a while. At least u know that someone out there actually cares. And that. Is a Really nice feeling. (:

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