Monday, September 13, 2010


I can't believe I'm still blogging now when time is running out.
But I still can't stand it.
So I've got to let it out here.

YOU. I hate you SO MUCH. Do you know that? Well now you do.
Yes I know. Hating someone takes up a lot of energy.
But I find forcing myself to try and like you as a friend takes up EVEN MORE energy.
Is sending one simple thing to me that difficult?
Is it?
I don't want. And I repeat. I DON'T WANT to go over and give u a dressing down anymore u know that?
But do you know the stress ur giving me?
I'm speaking on behalf of all of us.
Do you think we're having it easy as well? Huh?
I TRUSTED you to send it to me.
And I only learnt one thing.
Trusting someone hurts. Thanks.
Thanks for teaching me how I shouldn't trust anyone ever again.
So take it that I'm really BEGGING you.
Just SEND me the thing and we're quits. Really.
That's all I want.
Is it THAT difficult?

and YOU. Don't you think its also making me feel upset?
I promised myself. I'm not going to cry anymore.
I'm freaking serious. Because no matter what I cannot turn the clock back again.
Its okay if you hate me. Its okay if you wanna kill me or whatever. Its Okay.
I just hope you're fine.
I don't care whether or not I'm okay.
Its you.

And YES. I've promised myself and I'm gonna make sure I keep to my promise.
I will not cry.
I will stay strong no matter what happens.
Because crying is not gonna solve anything.

You better buck up and pull up your socks.
I'm dead serious. And I know you KNOW I am.
I don't care whether ur facing immense pressure or whatever crap.
You Can Do It.

So PLEASE. Stop Upsetting me.
STOP. Please.

Ugh. I wish I could just stop time for a day. Just a day will do.
That will do me a whole world of good.


After all these, I've begun to believe that fairytales don't exist at all.
They're just all in my head and for me,
I'm not ever willing to let them out cause at least they are a source of comfort to me.

xoxoxo Trusting someone is like passing a gun to that someone and believing that he/she won't pull the trigger. Yea right.

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