Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hey (:

Today was.. Haha Okayy I guess.
I had fun AFTER school (:
Thanks Chintung and her CMPS Group members for allowing us to be helpers at ur amazing race.
It was awesomeee. (:
Haha It was fun and all and I think all the foreigners were really nice and friendly too (:
At least they cooperated and it was fun just chatting with Yuju while sitting at the steps HAHA (:

You again. I'd said I would continue posting a big whole chunk of stuff about u.
But I've decided I shan't be so mean.
I just wished u had cooperated with us man.
But apparently it didn't happen that way.

xoxoxo I knew this day would come.
But I just didn't know how bad it would be until now.
Oh well. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.
History just HAD to repeat itself.

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