Sunday, October 10, 2010


Dry eyes, Dry eyes.

is tmrrrrrrrrr.
& I'm not like 100% sure of most of the stuff in my AMath tb.
I just hope I don't freak out during the exam tmrrrrrrrz.

Ugh. If only we had photocopiers in our brains.
Then we could just ZAP.
& voila. All inside our brain in a matter of seconds.

& I think Miranda Cosgrove sings really nice songs.

& I realised I really like the sign &.
cause somehow I think it looks.. nice?

Oh whatever.

A lot of things happened today.
& yeap.
My mum was right.
High IQ + Low EQ = Really bad combination.

Y'know, its no use having to be someone who's SUPER DUPER smart but has SUPER DUPER LOW EQ.

I mean its like so wheweuhfikdhksdhfuyigkjnsakjxbndskhfbwkbfc.
Yes it seriously is very sjkdhiweuhfi3uwhkwejdbnskdbcjsdbfosabdlasndkdfbiwue.

I have a whole list of things to do after the exams:
1) Download Miranda Cosgrove's songs
2) SLEEP at 10pm & wake up at 10am.
3) Take 3 hour long Afternoon naps.
4) Scream without having to look at the clock to see if I still have enough time to spare just to scream.
6) TAIWAN TRIP with Yuju!
7) WEDDING of relative!
9) Read MORE books.
10) Watch TV (inclusive of 5.30pm, 7pm & 9pm show. Yes. I'm gonna be a couch potato.)
11) Go Window shopping.
12) Go SHOPPING. *looks at mummy & smiles sweetly*
13) Hang out with Esther & Cassia (OMGGG. I can't wait!)
14) Play more iPhone games.
15) Blog more often. (I'll try. Cause I may procrastinate in onning my comp sometimes. Cause its like freaking laggy nowadays.)

Yeap. & of course many many more.
But I just can't list them all out now cause I'm just not in the mood I guess.

xoxoxoxoxoxo Oh Lord. I don't want.

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