Monday, June 28, 2010

I don't want Chinese O Levels to come.


School reopened today hahas.

And yeap it sure was fun.

I was in my excited mode early in the morning,

but it soon died down after hearing about the Chinese O levels that are coming soon.

Like REAL soon.

Oh and Btw, Thanks Winglam (:

Thanks sooooo much for the anklet. (:

Hai Bleh.

There's so much I want to say actually.

Like really alot.

If only this was a private blog.

I could just spill and spill and spill.

Without anyone reading it and getting upset or angry or disappointed in me.

If I talked to my friends,

I'm sure I already know what kind of advice they would give me.

But I just wish there was some other way out.

Some way that was harmless yet effective.


xoxoxoxoxo Now That's just what I was afraid of.

Oh and the picture:

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