Thursday, November 4, 2010

Everything I've not said.

Lalala. (:
This is gonna be a super random post about anything and everything cause I've not posted for quite some time, & I wanna blabbb. (:

Hahaha (:

I somehow like Justin bieber..'S SONGS.
I find he looks okayy.. I guess. (:
Like I mean that's just the way he looks,
how do u expect him to change to look more like a guy?
I think his songs are generally nice (:

Haha I suddenly thought of the time when the economics instructor said that Justin Bieber contradicted himself when he sang the song "Never say Never"
Cause he already said Never twice and many many other times during the song even with the song entitled Never say Never. (:
Haha he was really hilarious (:

Ack crap.
I feel like there's this mosquito in my study room now that's invading my legs and my legs are itching all over as a result now.

I'm worried for chinese.
Like seriously and extremely worried.
Because all those papers that I've done that Mrs TWC gave aren't well done.
At all.
Like imagine having a BIG JIAYO written on ur paper.
Every paper.

Then there's the physics qualifying test next yearrr.
Man. There's many things to be worried about nowzxc.


Today was generally okayy..
Hahaha the fun started after school (:
When I went out with YujuYuntianJingning for lunchhh (:
Haha we went Mac at AMK hub & we talked ALOT. (:
Hahaha even though I had heart pain.
Cause I spent like $6 ++ just for a McWing meal.
Like seriously.
I've been spending alot on lunch nowadays ._.
& then we started looking at class photos (:
Especially the part when we talked about someone that annoyed us ALOT.
Winglam, tell u on Monday ;)
Bet you'll laugh like mad.

Cause I did. (:

Then we went window shopping (:
Causecausecause I had to get a dress for the wedding dinner that's coming up soon.
THANKS Yuntian Yuju & Jingning for helping me & giving me ideas as we shopped around AMK. (:
Your help really helped me greatly & I think it is fun shopping with them mannnn (:

HAHA even though that time we went to Cotton On & we started trying almost ALL the sunglasses they had at the shop, all the different types.
Laughing HYSTERICALLY (Okay I was the one that did that ._.)
& then giving comments to each other when we wore the sunglasses ;)
I think ALL of us looked Gorgeous wearing those sunglasses (:

Hahahahaz (:

& I realised I would be very busy like CONTINUOUSLY all the way till like 5 Dec I think.
& I'm seriously serious.
Like my only free days are.. 16th & 17th of November.
I'm busy on ALL the other days on November. (:

Haha okay okay Lemme say out what I'd be doing.
Since I also need to organise everything (:

8th November: ASEAN meeting after school & chinese remedial
9th November: ESTHER'S BIRTHDAY! (: & chinese remedial
10th November: Chinese O Level Paper. Ohmy. ):
11th November: ASEAN Meeting after school
12th November: CLIQUE OUTINGG! <3 Just that I think YT & JN can't go. SOB. ):
13th November: Tuition + time with family (:
14th November: Dedicated to family (:
15th November: ASEAN Mock Conference! Omggg I'm excited but worried ._.
16th November: FREE! (: (But maybe going out with Gor for GIFT BUYING! (: )
17th November: FREE! (: (But maybe this is the day going out with Gor. Depends.)
18th November: My dear DEAR Granddaughter's b'day + Library camp
19th November: CCA Camp + Rush to KL in evening
20th November: In KL for wedding dinner (No.1-Female side of family)
21st November: Rush to Penang.
22nd November: Rush to Langkawi.
23rd November: Wedding Dinner in Langkawi (No.2-Male side of family)
24th November: Rush Back to Penang, then KL.
25th November: Rush back to S'pore.
26th November: TAIWAN TRIP with Yuju! (:
4th December: Back to S'pore! (:
5th December: Mum's Birthdayy (: + Sister's Gym Competition (:

Hope I'm able to go through all these & STILL have enough time to:
Finish HW + Revise ALL subjects + Revise for Physics Qualifying Test.
Lord, please help me.

There was pressure man.
& it all just felt so, so weird.

xoxoxo I'm gonna give all my secrets away. YEA RIGHT. AS IF. (:

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