Thursday, May 12, 2011


I'm feeling blue. Irritated. Annoyed.
I'm in those kinda "don't even think about talking to me" kinda moods.
But my sister just had to oversee the part that I was already in a bad mood by complaining that there was no more printer paper while glaring at me.

Like HELLO? Who is the one that ALWAYS uses new pieces of printer paper to draw, cut, paste, and do all those nonsense on my table? In the end, I'm ALWAYS the one that has to clean up after you.

And now you're blaming me for the shortage of printer paper?
I use the printer paper for my work darling.
See how much I love my mother earth?
Yea you better do.


I'm sick of studying. I'm fuh-reaking serious.
It's like, we're going to die next year (Maybe okay, there's no ruling out this possibility.) and Lo and Behold, we're STILL studying like there's no tmr to keep our grades up.
I seriously won't mind taking the risk of quitting school like NOW, and going to travel around the world and making merry to enjoy the rest of my life before 21st December and XX:XX timing.


I promise myself that I am NOT, EVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, going to be a Chemist or a Physicist or a mathematician, or anything that has to do with those annoying subjects we study now.
I don't even get a clue as to why we're studying em now.
Like, we're not going up to a fishmonger and ask for the price of a fish being $lg2?!
That's crazy talk.
Or like going to the beach just to look at longshore drift and inspect a tree to see if it's coniferous or has evergreen leaves or whatever characteristics it has.
Neither are we going to a football field to measure its maximum area and find the second derivative or all those nonsense.

Well at least I won't.

There are so many other USEFUL and IMPORTANT things for us to do before we die (maybe.) next year.

USEFUL things like:
Learning how to drive a car/motorcycle.
Being able to watch M18 movies.
Knowing the art of being a ninja and whacking your sisters at appropriate times without them even realising. (she really got on my nerves kay.)
Learning kickboxing. (the instructor only allowed teens 18 and above.)
Throwing all my books and graduate hat in the air. (Yea and then I'll organise a big campfire to burn all my textbooks and worksheets.)

OKAY SERIOUSLY I'm gonna burst.
It seems like EVERYONE'S iPhone charger has miraculously given up life.
Only my charger is the surviving one.
EVERYONE at home just loves my charger that they're lending my charger to use and now My charger is neglecting my phone.

I hate moods like this.

I realise I canNOT watch shows that are too emotional.
As in if there's lots of hatred in the show, I myself will get too engrossed in the show and I'll feel exactly the feeling that the actor/actress is feeling.
So it's not a good thing.

I need Charice's songs.
I seriously adore Charice.
She's so so so so so talented and her voice is. Omg seriously just indescribably beautiful.

After saying so much, it doesn't change much things, unfortunately, I'd still have to get back to studying Economics.


xoxoxoxoxo My Belief in Myself is gonna carry me through. Stay Strong Jiawen.

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