Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Holidays.

Hello People (:
I haven't been blogging for seriously quite some time..
well cause I've been busy with hw & stuff lately.
Haha I went to quite some places this holiday..
But hey, I seriously chionged out alot of hw in the first few days of the holiday kay..
But I'm still left with alot, & anyway I seriously and highly doubt my ability to be able to finish EVERYTHING.
It's close to impossible. ):
I'm left with English Paper 1, Chinese Paper 1, SS Essays (Uncountable amount), two physics papers, SS SBQ, and the last question of economics ws.
Basically I crapped my whole way through.
Btw I went to Universal studios recently..
Like Saturday & Sunday! :D
Hehe super duper fun & coollllllll (:
hahaha took quite alot of pics which I hope I can upload soon..
Aww well u all know how I am with procrastination.
That's the only subject I can score with flying colours without doing much.
Catch the irony in that.
Sheesh. I think I've lost my writing enthusiasm.
Kay lemme take a break before I get back to blogging kayyyyyyz.
xoxoxo I wish I lived in Alaska or somewhere else from this hot hot country.

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