Monday, September 12, 2011


I'm such an emotional freak, Sometimes, well maybe most of the time, life just gets me down to the most low points and I just find it so difficult to get back up to my high point again. I mean I know that in life, We win some, We Lose some. That's why sometimes I'm afraid of losing. Because after we get to the highest points in our life, we just get to happy and feel so blessed and loved that we may not know how to handle it if we wake up one day to realise that we've lost it once more. Life is just SO contradicting. Sometimes I just feel like putting a Pause to everything. Like just hoping everything would slow down and not go at like 100000000km/h. Everything's just happening too fast for me to handle. Now I'm in the middle of my prelims, and then in just a month or two, O Levels, and then Lo and Behold. I'm outta Secondary school. Sometimes I just feel sad and grouchy thinking about why life must be so hard, why can't we all just have simple mindsets and just live each day to the fullest and be happy all the time and not think too much about stuff. Because someone once told me, Ignorance is Bliss. That is so true. I realised. Even though there are lots of posters, or quotes or what not on reminding us to "Live life to the fullest" and "Live each day as if it might be your last" or what "Yesterday was (something), tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Okay maybe I sidetracked a little on the last quote, but it may not be as easy as it seems to well, live life to the fullest. I mean, who DOESN'T want to be happy everyday and life a stress-free life? Whoever doesn't must really be an idiot. And I don't like pretentious people. I don't like people who openly tell lies. I don't like people who keep fooling around and making fun of others. I mean, sometimes, yea it's for the fun of it, and even I may do stuff like that, but please. Not to the extreme. And sorry, but I just have to say this. I Love my Dog. I Love him soooooo much. Because at least he doesn't have the voice to tell lies, he doesn't have any motive or any schemes or what not even when he comes close to me and puts his paw on my lap. Sometimes he just whines to get attention and that's adorable in my opinion. At least even though he can't give any sound advice when I'm facing a problem, or even though he can't give me a hug or a kiss when I'm feeling upset, only licks, but that's the best thing, cause at least he's willing to just sit beside me and accompany me until I feel better again. That's my boy. If dogs were allowed at prom, he would Definitely be my first choice as a date. Sometimes don't you have the feeling that you don't even know who you can really trust? Don't you feel afraid to know if you're placing the right bet on someone? Like at first all may seem very smooth sailing and you're like able to talk all day long about stuff, but just one day it all goes wrong? I am Not trying to talk about anyone of particular, I promise. It's just a feeling I feel almost everyone feels. And I'm afraid of losing the people I love. Be it through illness, be it through old age, be it through accidents. I do not want to lose anyone that I love. Sorry for sounding so emo in this post lol hahaha. But sometimes it's just good to vent things out for awhile. xoxoxoxo I'm fine, really.

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