Sunday, January 29, 2012


2011 has been an Eventful year.

I had my O levels, and well, it was the FINAL year in PHS.

*stares at the screen thinking of what else to say* ._____.

Hm. Kay. This is awkward.
I'm serious, I had already drafted this post on 2011 in my head when I was in the car some time back..
But it seems like I've forgotten all that I wanted to say.

Okay. I shall just do this the usual way and blah everything that I feel like saying.

I felt all kinds of feelings during 2011.
Happy. Sad. Excited. Angry. Nervous. Anxious. Blue. STRESSED.
Well yea, I guess more of the last word from the previous sentence. Due to Os.
I gained and learned many things.
Some from family relationships, some from friendships.

It already started on a pretty sad note on the first day of school.
I don't really wanna say what happened out here, but well, I guess that's history.
And then it was stress all the way and Studying..
I studied?
Okay I'm not THAT Guai a student to start mugging and studying from the start.
I still played, went out for lunch, movies, shopping with my clique and friends until just a few months before the Os did I actually start studying. FOR REAL.
And that explains the anxiety and stress I felt.

And then I guess more events and stuff happened towards the end.
Well, we had Dining Etiquette earlier, and well. It was held at the YCK Grassroots Club.
Haha I KNOW RIGHT. We literally WALKED there in our HEELS. -.-
It was quite funny, and we learnt new skills! That we never put to use afterwards.
HAHA I still had the worst table manners among my friends. Enough said.

And then it was PROM! I mean that was after Os of course. But I just wanna skip the part where I've to  talk about Os cause.. *sob* Cause.. It was just SO depressing just thinking about it.
I'm just glad it's over.

Yea so where was I? Oh ya. Prom.
It was really FUN! Haha & Cool (:
I took like LOADS of pictures with my friends.
& I'm like SUPER DUPER GRATEFUL to my Aunt and Uncle who came all the way to S'pore from Penang to help me get ready and look my BEST for Prom.
They helped me to find this super neat salon to take care of my makeup and hair.
And they also brought me shopping to find the most beautiful dress which many people at Prom complimented on.

Then I got busy after Prom, but surprisingly NOT with a job.
I went out with many of my friends. Cliques. etc. etc.
& on some days I stayed at home, slacking my butt off watching Hi-5, Ellen and Dr.Oz.
OMG Speaking of which, I think Ellen is, like, the most AWESOMEST person I've ever met, giving things and presents and MONEY away to needy people like.. like THAT. *snaps fingers*
I ALWAYS get jealous watching her shows, like thinking to myself:"You're missing out on SO MUCH, Jiawen."

Oh I forgot to mention, on the day before Prom, just THE DAY BEFORE, both my iPhone and computer decided to play a November Fools' trick on me.
They BOTH broke down one after another, without warning.
My iPhone started first, just by blanking out and it's battery was pronounced dead by my Dad after inspection.
And then I wanted to use my computer to try to make me feel a little less tech-lonely, when the screen started flickering like crazy, green, blue, then BLACK.
It died like 5 minutes after my iPhone.
I know it sounds super drama but hey, I was super duper upset can.
This just goes to show how important my PHONE + COMPUTER mean to me.

Oh, but there is definitely GOOD news after bad news, just like how there's sunshine after rain, light at the end of a dark tunnel.. Okay, I'll say it.
My Dad bought me an iPhone 4S!!! :D :D

And when the holidays started, as I said, I got busy going out and stuff.
I learnt valuable lessons after that.
I learnt about trust.
I learnt that sometimes, life's hard in a way that, people whom you trusted a lot, can actually be.. I guess, different from the way u thought they were.
Sometimes what you perceive, or what you assume, may not be what they really are.
Little boys and girls, even though u may not understand what I'm saying here, but well, that's life I guess.
It hurts to have such a naïve and simple mind sometimes.
I never ever would have thought it would happen. I mean, I admit.
I had ever imagined of other people close to me doing such stuff to me before, but, I never imagined you. Never. Until it happened did I realize actually u didn't mean it when u said u trusted me huh.
I don't know, maybe you thought it was a small matter, like u may find me weird for even being able to link this to trust.
But when I say I trust somebody, I mean it and I wouldn't question any of their decisions or not believe their situation.
And honestly, so far I've only remembered saying it to one person when I told her my secrets and thankfully, she's still a close friend of mine till now.

Friends come, and they go.
Sometimes, they come into your life just to teach u a little something that u will use in future, and leave once they have made sure you're fine.
Honestly, I don't have many close friends, and little friends whom I can be myself without having to act.
Sometimes when I'm alone or feel so lonely, I silently wish I had an elder sibling, elder brother(preferably) or twin to talk to, to play with, to just go out and have fun with.

Haha my sister just said my posts are too long.
Omg. I hope none of you think I'm long winded. :/

Kay I've gtg sleep now. My dad's naggingggggg.

xoxoxoxo Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012. {:

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