Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thank you and I Love You.

Thanks to all my dear friends who have tried to comfort me during this period of time.
All your encouragement and offers to listen to me complain really really mean ALOT to me.
So thank you soooooo very much.

So I've decided to join dance.
Yes I know, it's a BIGGGG jump from like being a Librarian in secondary school.
But hey I don't regret joining Library in secondary school, seriously.
Because I really had fun with my besties in that CCA & at least I was happy :D

I feel better now that I've chosen dance as a CCA,
I mean at least its already a decision made & now I just have to stick to it and keep my fingers crossed.
Cause I really hope I'll meet a good friend in dance cause so far..
I do NOT know anyone at all from dance.
Like seriously my gosh right. :/

I still feel quite upset that I can't join soccer.
So it's gonna be like my heart's at soccer but my body is still at dance.
Weird me. ><

I even tried asking my mum if I can have two CCAs, Dance AND Soccer.
I.. guess u can roughly imagine the look on my mum's face.
So yea that didn't work out that well.

Oh & bytheway..
I've a TUMBLR now!!! :D
Haha so this blog is gonna be like my 'Words blog'.
Tumblr shall then be my 'Picture blog'!
Haha cool ehhh?
So check out my Tumblr

Omg it was SO dang difficult to think of a suitable name for my tumblr.
Seriously, I got really annoyed after trying countless of times cause all the nice names have been taken up. D:
I even thought of putting like ''
But I thought someone would have also thought of that before me already.

My grade 5 piano theory exam is coming in a few weeks!
I'm still totally unprepared.
Especially the composing part. Ugh.
It somehow comes out weird when I compose it.
Makes me wonder if I'm tone deaf sometimes. Hmm...

Haha but y'know, the contradicting thing is..
The date of my dental appointment to take out my braces and the date of my Grade 5 Theory exam happens to fall on THE SAME DAY.
What the heck right.

But no worries! I'll then be taking out my braces before going for my exam! YAY!
Okay somehow I think I sound so lame here. ._.

Lastly, I S.T.I.L.L. do not understand my homework.
That's why there are blanks everywhere on my foolscap.

xoxoxo dumdee dum dum.

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