Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I think I'm such a glutton.

My suggestion regarding this survey:

Do you have any suggestions for improvement for NYJC?

My answer:
I hope there will be a higher availability of food stuff like cookies and a greater variety of ice cream at Good News Cafe. Because each time I go to the cafe, the cookies are either sold out, have not arrived or the queues are very very long. And I hope we would have more breaks in between lessons, of maybe an extra 5-10 minutes so we could grab a bite if we're hungry or use the toilet to help us concentrate better in the next lecture/tutorial. Thank You.

I realise I spend like 80% of my pocket money on food and think about food 50% of the time I'm in school.

I Love you with ALL MY HEART, Food.

xoxoxoxo Yummmmmmmmmm.

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