Wednesday, March 21, 2012

With Lots of Love, Me.

I want to sleep. But I don't want to sleep in my Uniform.
Yes. I'm still in my uniform at 11.38pm.

Came back at like 7pm and started discussing GP work till 8pm.
Ate dinner from 8pm 8.30pm.
Watched TV from 8.30pm to 10pm.
Continues discussing GP from 10pm to 11pm.

Story of my life.
Sometimes I just wish I could have more time for myself to just rest and rest and rest.
And it sounds pretty lame, but I'm suddenly filled with jealousy and I'm envious of a fictional character, Sleeping Beauty, Aurora, because she got the opportunity to sleep, and sleep and sleep for 100 years only to wake up to her one true love.

Story of her life.

I don't care. I need to have a life. And I desperately want to have a life.
May God help me in living a fulfilling life and not let it be controlled by my school, studies and expectations from people. Thank you Lord for all your blessings upon me each day.

Sometimes I just wish I could just text you or ask you "How are you doing?", "How's Everything?", "How's Life?" Or just to say a simple "Hi." But things are just not that simple.

A quote I came across today that I rather liked:
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to Dance in the Rain."

Hope this quote will help some of you reading this with some problems or if you're facing any difficulties.
I mean if you're a friend of mine then please feel free to let me be your listening ear so you can just start complaining and pouring out your woes etc.

Lastly, I'd like to tell all my friends, be it in Primary School, Secondary School, or in NYJC, that I Love all of You from the bottom of my heart.
So you, you, you, you, ah yes, and you. Don't ever feel upset or insecure of the many insecurities that you can be insecure about, because each one of you are beautiful in your own way.
And that's the truth regardless of whether you believe it or not.

Okay I really really stink, and if I wanna prevent stinking my family members to death, I shall go and bathe now.

Goodnight darlings out there.

xoxoxoxo Sometimes, love is all you need. (That's why I'm giving u loads of it in this post, Duh.) <3

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