Sunday, May 27, 2012

Life as I know it.

Sawadeeka Everyone!

I sincerely apologise for neglecting this blog for oh so longggggg.
Well, you guys can't completely blame me, I've been.. VERY VERY Busy since the start of JC.
I forgot if I had said in any previous post, but I'm currently in NYJC!
Okay I think I did..
Whoops.. haven't been here for long sor-rey!

Well, life's been really full speed for me lately, and almost every single time, I really wish it would go slower, to at least let me take a breather or just have a little bit more of rest before moving on.
Lectures are really fast, and tutorials are coming at an even faster speed unusually.
I'm still at Tutorial 4a when there's already a Tutorial 6 for Math! Goodness gracious.

I really don't understand why I'm so busy always and forever and always.
Well, I guess it's all my fault.
I hold quite a number of leadership positions currently, that's probably one of the main reasons why.
I'm the CT Rep of my wonderful and awesome and Great 1210 class, and also the Street I/C for Dance.
Okay, I'm really blessed to be the CT Rep of 1210 cause I've the help of my awesomazing classmates whenever I need them, haha & Dance is rather fun too!

Then there's this really annoying and 'always-never-fails-to-piss-you-off' subject called Project Work.
Ohmigosh, no words can describe how annoying it can get sometimes, most of the time, always.
Especially, especially, when our group's ideas, PI, GPP always gets rejected.
I mean, we did spend the effort in trying to perfect it, & I know I can't say my teacher is picking on us etc cause I also know she means well & wants us to get the A grade for PW, but sometimes it's just so demoralizing, especially now that our group is actually quite lagging behind cause we've yet to receive confirmation and approval for our GPP.
Gah. I'm going to be submitting our group's PI soon, so everybody reading this post, PLEASE HELP PRAY HARD FOR OUR GROUP'S PI/GPP TO GET ACCEPTED SOON.
Or you'll have to read more emo posts of me complaining/whining/scolding etc etc. Teehee.

Okay some short updates about me:
1. I just cut my hair today haha! But kayfine, only the fringe :/
2. I'm going M'sia for the whole of next week, starting tmr!
3. I really think a lot, and I don't like it.
4. I don't know what else to say.
5. Okay I lied about number 4, I've like loads to spill but don't know where to start and don't feel like starting hahaha.
6. I'm always running away from problems, cause I'm too afraid to say it out or face it.
7. I'm becoming more and more talkative in class and I really have a feeling my teachers don't like me *CRIES*. Btw sshh! This number 7 shall be private and confidential and kept away from my parents yea! Or else I'll have to go school with a masking tape taped to my mouth, courtesy of my parents.
8. I get stressed up easily, especially now in JC.
9. I really need to go bathe soon!
10. I wanna thank all of my friends for being ever so patient with the crazy and weird me.

xoxoxoxoxoxo With Love, Jiawen.

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