Friday, June 8, 2012

Taken for granted sucks sometimes.

I'm sorry but I'll need to rant for awhile.

I really don't like the feeling when my efforts or my efforts plus someone else's efforts go to waste and are not recognized.
I hate being taken for granted.
I mean if I even bothered to plan everything, ensure that we all get to meet up,
I really don't think it is unfair if all of you take the initiative and be more proactive instead of us really pushing each and everyone of you to do this do that. Furthermore, we already reminded u to do so, but some still failed to do it.
Planning something is really not easy. Be it a celebration or any outing or event, it's really not easy cause u need to take out lots of time from your schedule to plan stuff, coordinate and even think about what to do during the event, and there are also money issues.
I really wanna make the event/outing/celebration a successful one, therefore I am willing to put in even 101% of my effort to make it work. But I also hope u all will understand that the very least u all can do to help me is to help me make it work by coordinating with me as well.
I'm really sorry for ranting, but sometimes it's kinda difficult to simply shrug it off and say "Oh, it's okay." When I actually mean it's not okay.
And I want to thank all the people who constantly help me in organizing etc.
And I know that all of us have put in the hard work to make each event/outing/celebration a successful one. So Thank you all.
I really didn't want to rant but sometimes I don't like suppressing all these feelings within me.
I mean if I let u all plan an event/celebration/outing, maybe u all may better understand how I feel, and also understand that to make things work, a lot of cooperation is required of the members. A Lot.
I mean if the members do not cooperate, there is no need or purpose for an event/outing/celebration no?
So I hope you all understand I really mean well & I just want us to better cooperate with one another to make all our lives easier and make each event/outing/celebration a meaningful and successful one.

Kay that's the end of my rant.
LOL. Now looking back, I feel like I'd just said a long speech.

Kay feeling really really tired now..
Goodnight world.

xoxoxoxo I've got to learn to be stronger in handling things. I have just got to.

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