Thursday, October 17, 2013

I don't get you.

Ignoring people.
Being so in your own world.
Being so rude to people.
Asking people to shut up.
So consumed with messing up your stuff that people have to beg u to clean up after.
Being so selfish.

I just feel like slapping you a thousand times & hitting u until you wake up.
Just cause your exams are over doesn't mean u can just waste your life away okay.
This is so annoying & I'm so so so damn pissed at u I can explode.
But I know even if I just scold u now or anything you'll just ignore me
What the F what the F what the F I really can't stand this what the hell is wrong with u.
You are so in your own world.

Why are both of u always so full of yourself. Both of you NEVER & I mean NEVER spare a thought for others EVER.
Everything is always & only about YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU & YOU.
Fed up & exhausted.

You make me afraid & dread to go home.
Hate you so much now.

Please don't make me hate you more.

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