Saturday, October 12, 2013


Mood: Undecisive, uneasy, afraid.
Song playing in salon: Right here waiting (YAY one of my faves)

Today I went for an education fair on Australian & UK universities.
It was.. Really great. I found out a lot more about Australian universities mostly. Cause my parents are more supportive, or should I say ONLY supportive of me going to an Australian Uni cause of the distance. 
I must say at the start I was pretty excited. I mean, I've always wanted to really go out to explore the world, go to new different places & all. & I mean.. Here's my chance to go to someplace else apart from Malaysia & china (sometimes) & being stuck in Singapore.

But I'm also afraid. I'm afraid I won't be able to accept the sudden change in surroundings, the unfamiliarity of the country. 
And I know for sure, I'll miss home like crazy. 
But I know if I go over to Australia for like 3 years I'll definitely be able to grow up & well, learn to be independent. 

I'm also afraid about the social part. It may seem as though I have no difficulty making friends cause I'm loud, I talk a lot & all.. But.. When it comes to making new friends, I'll be really really really shy at first. Then only when we start to click will I really warm up to u & begin to talk more. But I mean.. What if when I get there & the majority are Australians, I won't somehow be able to communicate as well with them? I mean I can speak English & all but what if.. No offence to anyone or anything, I'm still the "foreigner" there & I guess I'm just afraid there will still be some form of discrimination. 

I guess there are always pros & cons to every single situation. But after going for the fair I'm really kinda tempted to try studying overseas. 

But I also wish I had a friend, if even possible, a good friend I click well with to go with me to Australia to the same Uni or at least we can rent an apartment & stay together, that's cool as well.

*takes in deep breath*
I guess I'll leave it all to God to decide for me. He has plans not to harm me but to give me a better future so I shall leave it all in his hands & I believe he'll help me get through this, to make the best decision for myself. 

Anyone that is reading this that is a friend of mine & is thinking of going to Australia to study for Uni please please let me know. Hahaha. Thanks ;)

AND before I end this post.. 

THIS IS SO UNFAIR I'm like stuck on the other end of S'pore & SNSD is in s'pore & having an awesome & fun concert somewhere else in s'pore & I'm not THERE OMG. 
*cries a river becoming a lake becoming the ocean*

Life's so unfair sometimes.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo bluey-blue.

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