Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm officially legal!

Sorry this is a late post. Caught my pun. HAHA. Anyway yea it's a late post at night & it's a late post that I should have posted on my b'day itself but oh well. (:

I'm so so grateful to each one who wished me a happy b'day or better yet was there to celebrate my b'day with me.

My lovely class 1210 celebrated my b'day for me early on Friday, 25th Oct (:
We went to Swensens for dinner & at first it was just like a normal celebratory dinner, until most of us were done with our food & then Von suddenly told me she had a tummy ache & was having indigestion so she needed to go to the toilet so she asked me to accompany her. And I was like oh dear okay I'll accompany u, cause I really needed to go anyway.
I really didn't expect it haha but when I went into the cubicle, cause Lei followed as well then I could hear Von & Lei whispering outside like "Is this the one, is it this cubicle?" HAHAHAHAHA they're so cute for real HAHAHA. <3
And then they knocked on my door & I was like yea?
& they threw in a dress & asked me to change into it now. 
HAHAHAHA I really was rather taken aback at that hahaha. But okay I changed into it & I was rather unsure of how I looked cause I couldn't see but I liked the dress haha I really really do. But I wasn't sure if it'll look good on me HAHA. 

This is how my dress looked, sorry u can't really see the details but I really love the dress. It's like my favorite outfit now (: 

And when I got out I remember the faces of Von & Lei HAHA they looked kinda nervous at first then when they saw me they were like HAHA Nice!! (:
I'm so thankful for that haha I was really really worried the dress wouldn't turn out nice on me heh.
HAHA even the auntie who was washing hands further eased my insecurity by commenting "美!真的很美!" HAHA Thanks random auntie <3 

And then I had to walk back to the restaurant haha & I was really embarrassed haha I mean I've never worn a dress in front of the rest of my classmates so I guess I was just worried of what their reactions would be haha. 

Then when I went back HAHA OMG with all my classmates looking at me it was really nerve wracking HAHA I'm not gonna lie hahaha. Then they started singing the birthday song for me & I made a wish & blew out the candles & yea (: 

Then Lei said there was also part II to the presents HAHAHA (:
It was the jewellery hehe (: 
So I got this really beautiful necklace..

I was also wearing this with the dress in the previous picture though it's rather small (okay REALLY small) HAHAHA 

Andandand OMG I got this Charles & Keith wallet as well..

This picture doesn't even do justice to how pretty my new wallet looks at all. Hahaha but I really love all my presents & I really love my class 1210 more <3 <3 <3

Then we took pictures..

This is some of the pics we took hehe (: 

This is of me & Lei & Von when I first wore the dress when we were still in the toilet HAHAHAHA (:

Sigh I'm so grateful to these two girls & JJ for helping plan this really awesome B'day celebration Thanks so so so insanely much <3

Here are some of my other b'day presents.. One of which is the one I'm using to type this now HEHEHEHEHE..

The iPhone 5S from my Dad & Mum <3 

And on my actual b'day, Sunday, my whole family celebrated my b'day for me :D

But at 12AM on Sunday my second sis suddenly startled me as I was still doing work & wished me a happy birthday, she was literally screaming at me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIE!!!" But aww she's so sweet ten she gave me her card & presents..

A really really pretty photo frame & photo album to put all my instax films :D
Even the box is so pretty <3

Then Von & Lei (Aww love them both so much) texted me at 12AM to wish me a happy b'day & Lei wished me literally everywhere I was so touched HAHAHAHA <3 <3 she wished me on Instagram with really cute pics of both of us, on twitter, on Facebook & Whatsapp HAHAHA she's so so so awesome hahaha <3 
Von's also so cute HAHAHA she hoped she was the first & I can't really tell whether my sis wished me first or she did but either way I love all of u so much HAHAHAHA!! <3

And then a bunch of people also texted me at 12-ish & some which were unexpected a use I never thought they would remember HAHAHA (:

Then I went to bed & I woke up, I was feeling so sleepy & still so tired when I roughly glimpsed & saw my second sis staring over me sitting on my bed then I wanted to place my hand behind my pillow & get back to sleep when I realised there's a box there, & I just was so tired I couldn't bother figuring out..
Okay I'll spare u guys with the details HAHA but anyway it was the iPhone 5S that my dad placed there so I'll see it in the morning hahaha then I knew it was the iPhone 5S but I was so tired I couldn't react to it yet. 

Many moments later, when I was very much more awake. Yes it finally dawned on me that I HAVE an iPhone 5S as a present so YAY! HEHEHEHE <3

Then breakfast then got ready then we went to JB to spend the rest of my b'day!!! (:

We went to erchongwan, Nijyumura, under Jav's recommendation & it was REALLY GOOD HAHAHA :P

Here are some really yummy food pics from the jap restaurant.. Not for the starving people right now (like me. *stomach growls*)

This ice cream maki was SUPER NICE OMG I loved this dish the most. 

Wow my stomach really growled. 

This bowl of Tonkotsu ramen caught me by surprise when it came cause it was damn BIG. Okay sorry the difference is not that obvious when compared with my hand but I just wanted to emphasis that it was a big bowl of goodness. HAHAHA. I have a large appetite, & I couldn't finish this mind you. HAHAHAHAHA.

Hehehe Yeap then after lunch we went to buy some stuff, but thankfully not a whole list of groceries hehe (:
Then I went to popular to buy some pens (: & my aunt got me this..

It's a really really elegant & kinda expensive pen so this shall be the prestigious pen that only gets to show it's prowess during A levels wahahaha writing my way to success HAHAHAHA
:D :D :D

Then we went to massage our feet & backs HEHEHEHE a really nice treat for my aching shoulders <:

Yeappp! (:

Ohh & I received some really sweet letters from Es, Lei & Von & hehe I really really like receiving handwritten letters haha it feels really sincere to me & I would be so grateful cause it shows to me that u took out time to specially write our that letter for me (: it would really mean a lot haha <3 so Thanks to u girls Love you girls so so much <3

AND I seriously thought my cousin, WOOJIAMIN forgot about my b'day HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I was so waiting the whole day for a text or a post on my wall on FB to wish me a short happy b'day or sth like that.
And I was even comforting myself that even if she doesn't, it's just cause everyone's busy, As are coming so don't expect too much & it's alright we'll catch up after As.
And then the best thing happened HAHA she texted me at 12.14AM to apologise cause she slept on her sofa & couldn't wake up in time to be the last one to wish me HAHAHA. AWWW but I was still touched that she remembered hehe <3

And after that she called me & even though it was just for a short I think 10 mins (?) phone call it really warmed my heart cause I haven't talked to Miss Popular/Busy in like forever & I really missed her voice. <3

Hahaha so I shall end off this really happy post (one of the happiest ones in a long long time sorry for being so emo) with some Camwhoring pics my sisters & I & my aunt (occasional Calefare HAHAHA <3) took on the way to JB ;D

I don't get how my lil sis looks so good in these two pics. Seriously she looks really.. Defined. Haha she looks so gooddddd. 

HAHAHA I know my lil sis will kill me if she knew I posted this but I have to neutralize the really pretty pics of her above MWAHAHA.

HAHA the three lil pigs!! I exceptionally like this one cause it looks as though my hair has purple highlights so I think it's cool HEHE :D 

Have a good night everybody (: 
Thanks to all the people who have made a difference in my life & know that I'm so grateful for each & every one of you.

All of you are loved <3

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Giving thanks, so much thanks. Thank you Lord. 

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