Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Beloved NYJC

I feel so blank now. 
I've been doing chem since I got back today so my brain's kinda fried right now it feels a little.. Like lighter & my brain's really tired right now. So are my eyes.

So.. Tmr's officially the last day of tutorial lessons, like the last day I'll actually have a proper lesson in a classroom with my class 1210. It kinda hurts to be typing this as well somehow. I will miss this class. A lot. 
My Favourite lessons were always GP for sure. Because it's only during GP that we really get to talk & laugh without having to be totally mind effed by new weird stuff like in math or chem. So GP was the only lesson I looked forward to ALWAYS. 
I remember the very first time I went to NY. It was at the openhouse. I remember at that time I was totally lost in walking to the school. Cause it was my sec sch friends that tugged me along in tow to go check out the openhouse just to see how it's like.
I remember us chatting happily on the way to NY about the beautiful bungalows on the way & talking about one day renting a big bungalow so we could all stay together & share rent or sth like that.
I remember the very first time I walked up that slope. The very first time I saw the school & to be honest, at the start I couldn't say I had a good feeling or that I liked the school very much. 
I guess it's because at the openhouse it was really loud & noisy & packed so I didn't get to really see how beautiful & nice the school really was then.
I remember seeing the dance performance of my seniors for the first time, being completely amazed at how good they were. And OH I was so so so excited that I saw Elizabeth Lee dancing too haha cause I found her really pretty & she can dance really well too!
Haha the laughable irony is, I remember passing by the dance booth, & a senior asked me "Hey! Interested to join dance?" & I curtly replied "Oh no it's alright I can't dance."
& in the end I got into dance.
It's funny actually & well I never regretted joining dance in a way.
I remember walking around the school with my friends during openhouse & not really having that "home" feeling & feeling insecure at the start. Probably cause it was a new environment. 
& I vividly remember the constant thought that was running through my mind then:
I wouldn't feel at home & I wouldn't like it here at all. Well anyway I doubt I'd be coming to this school.
Well that's just cause I already had in mind ACJC as a potential choice of JC instead of NY as my best friends were going to AC.
But I have never ever ever ever regretted coming to NYJC. I have never ever ever ever regretted receiving that text one fine morning saying I was accepted into NYJC.
Never. Ever. 
I love NY. I really do. & I also love & am so so thankful for all the friends I've made here, so so thankful. Especially for my class. Thanks to all of u really. For making my journey in NY such an enjoyable I memorable one. 
I even remember once during orientation when I was queuing up to buy food with my OG & I remember I suddenly felt scared. Insecure. Afraid. Cause it suddenly dawned on me that from that day onwards I would be in this school already. I would continuously be buying food from this new canteen that I've not gotten used to. & it was a really scary feeling. A totally new environment, new friends, new everything. 
But it was not long before I managed to get rid of all that fear & increase my love for this school. 
*Happy sigh*
2 years is too short a time. To be honest. I wish all JCs took up 3 years instead. 

I had good, bad, funny, sad, angry, & happy memories all in JC, NYJC.
I've really been able to mature & learn so much in NY. So so much. So to whoever is reading this, if you're currently thinking of which JC to aim for, please do consider NY. For real. (:

Thanks NYJC for everything. (:

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo omg why does time fly so fast ): 

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