Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We, humans


I know I should be asleep as usual. 
Tmr is finally the last day of As.
Last paper. Last LAST day. Of academic torture.

Time: 12.20am
Batt percentage: 5% (this is really important to note somehow hahahaha.)
Mood: :|

I feel so afraid, insecure, I'm such a wreck.
Well actually now somehow I just feel.. Empty. 

In this world, no matter what, we are always alone. 
We are constantly fighting our own battles. 
No matter what, even if we have families, we have friends, we're still lone people.
I'm sure how to put this. But yea. 

I hate how now I'm constantly questioning people's intentions, thinking of what their true motives are of doing certain things.
I feel so.. I feel like I'm drowning.

Es, if u see this, know that I wanna meet up soon okay. & we need to have a really long talk. 

I'm feeling happy & sad that JC life is ending. 

This has been a memorable journey that I guess I've never regretted going through.
I've met many people, I've learnt stuff.
In one way or another, I would say I've matured. 

I would really really love to have a quokka as a pet. 

It looks so happy yet cheeky, but adorable. <3 

& I would kill to take a selfie with this lil guy just like this lucky person.

Hehe this made me feel a lil better.

Ater As, I wanna meet up with all the people I truly love & have missed for so long. 
& I don't care how but I'm also gonna fork out time for some me time. Alone. 
To just find myself again.

Okay before I go to sleep this is a throwback for one of my Favourite girls when we went to IKEA for dinner hahaha

And then.. There's me. HAHA.

YAY food's our best friend hehehe <3

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo sometimes I wish I knew what you're thinking of. Or maybe not. 

Batt percentage left: 2%
Not bad Jiawen, Not bad. (: 

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