Monday, May 10, 2010

Exams exams exams 2 MORE TO GO! JIAYO! :D

Hello WORLD! :D
Finally Its HALFWAY through the whole exams so there are TWO more papers to go n it's HEAVEN ;)
YAY (:
So Let's all ACE Econs n Chem Together ;) (as if we'll exactly ACE it but oh well (: )
And I'm not really in the mood to continue alrdy cos I wanna go n sleep n just take a break n sleep n sleep n play n play and be a good big sister for once cos I feel like I haven't been one since I don't know when and I know I'm blabbering right now cos I just have a lot a lot on my mind even though I don't wish to say it out but lalalala I think I'll go n rest n play taptap n have fun today I guess. Hope I feel Better soonnnnnn (:

xoxoxoxo I currently have THREE ulcers in my mouth. HOW SAD IS THAT ):
Here we go again.. (:

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