Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, 16/11/10:

Went to Suntec with DavidGor to buy presents.

He said I can "blush" (as in my face turns red) when I talk alot.

Cause I talked non stop (Literally.) to him from Bishan to Orchard. (I think.)

Haha so that's a new fact I learnt about myself (:

Well, what to do?


So I managed to buy the presents for Annabel.. but not Jiamin or Esther yet ):

Haha but at least I succeeded in getting something (:

Then met up with Jacinth cause David said she was bored at home and she said she was literally rotting, so we asked her to come out have lunch with us & do some shopping. (:

HAHAHAHA MANN this was the fun part. (:

Sorry gor.

Jacinth & I really bullied David till he was speechless.

(okay, in his sms he claimed he didn't want to say anythin

g only, but anyway..)


Its like we went to burger king,

& we forced him to eat our fries cause we couldn't finish it.

& when he refused,

we wanted to throw our fries onto his tray,

hahaha in the end he still ate some (:

Then cause he owed me an ice cream treat,

we went to Haagen Daz :D


He spent $18 on each of us.

So he spent $36 in total.


I ate umm..

THIS! A Banana Split. (:

Jacinth ate THIS! Which is called PARADISE! (:

then at first it tasted like heaven/PARADISE.


then we started having problems finishing it HAHAHAHA (:

So then again David had to help us eat some (:

Then after that we window shopped around Vivo until pretty late (:

Then we laughed and laughed ALOT cause Jacinth & I were planning & thinking of ways to further bully David & its like we were saying next time we'll have even meaner plans to deal with David xP

Oh ya, at Burger King:

Me: *wanted to trick David into turning behind so we could add fries onto his tray.*

Eh david, can u help me see if there are alot of people at Haagen Daz there? Its just behind you, cause there's this pillar blocking me. (that's a fact.)

Jacinth: Oh no la, not many people, very little people only.

Me: *stares at Jacinth with the "you-just-spoiled-our-plan look"*

Jacinth: OH. Sigh. 我们没有默契.

Me: Sigh. True.

Jacinth: *wanted to trick David into turning behind so we could add fries onto his tray.*

Hey! There's Xizhe!

David: *Gives the "I-know-you're-just-trying-to-trick-me" look.*

Me: HUH? WHERE?!*looks around*

Jacinth: *Covers her face and shakes her head.*

David: *LAUGHS.*


We laughed alot at Burger King..

but basically these are the two incidents that I remembered most clearly (:

Oh Oh then on the way back to Bishan,

cause David offered to escort us to Bishan HAHA

then on the MRT I think we made the most noise,

cause we made up some jokes about Braddell sounding like Bladder.


Like um:

1. Yo Bladder (Brother)

2. Bladdergood (Verygood)

HAHAHAHA THEN some other things about Bethel and all those people that wanna clear their bladders.

So basically we laughed and laughed all the way back to Bishan :D


So, to sum it up,

Jacinth is a really FUN friend to go out with,

and David is a really Nice Gor that allows us to bully him heee.

Hahaha (:

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