Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Off to M'sia!!

I'm now in the car otw to KL and... Thank goodness for wifi HAHA 

I'm rather bored that's why I decided to update my blog while I'm still in the car hehe ;)

So yesterday was really fun!! Went out with Lei <3 
We went to Oriole Cafe @Somerset 313 & ordered the lunch menu, for $19++ & each of us spent about $23+ at the end! (: 
We had a starter, I had Mushroom soup (soup of the day) & lei had the salad! 
Sorry no pics for that cause I didn't think the mushroom soup was nice, it was quite average if u asked me.. And after awhile I stopped drinking cause it tasted really gross after awhile :X I think I'm sincerely sick of mushroom soup already :/

Butttt we had the main course which was.. AHH shucks I'm so bad which names of dishes.. But I shall let the picture do the talking yea

This was surprisingly so good, but so little. This is linguine with chicken & there's like lemon sauce (Omg I'm so bad at food reviews I'm sorry) 
But this was really really good I wish it could have a bigger portion (so from this u can tell how good it really is already right HAHA)

THEN we went to get tickets to watch a Disney's Maleficent!!! It was really MAGNIFICENT (okay lame la this adjective) but it really was so good!! 
I don't want to be a spoiler for those who haven't watched it, especially since my sisters spoiled me even before I watched the movie. *Glares* 
But Angelina Jolie's acting is really really dang awesome. She's so likeable even when she's supposed to be evil in the movie & everyone's supposed to hate her (right?) but I can't help but just admire how good she even looks even with those horns etc. 
Like I think back to the time when I had to put makeup & dress as an evil person for Danceworks! 2013 & I think I'm so so so so so bad at it compared to her. 
She looks so good even when she's evil!! 
No joke haha go watch it!! 

But before the movie started we still had like an hour.. So.. Can u guess what we did to kill time?? HAHAHAHA

Lei looks really really pretty here right???? 

Artistic hor? The above two pics HAHAHA 

I love this pic the most hehe 

YES WE CAMWHORED HAHA & I think we look really nice here cause the place had really awesome lighting HAHA! 
Trust me. Lighting works wonders when taking pictures HAHA it can either make u look flawless, or flawful (Yes I created this word.)

Of course we took many more HAHA but I'm not gonna show all HAHAHA!!

Then we went window shopping & walked around a somerset 313 abit & went home!! (: 

Now we're both doing this home based job together & it's difficult to explain what we're doing, but at least the pay's good & it's OTOT! :D 

Okay I shall continue to chill for the rest of my journey in the car to KL!!

Ciao <3

xoxoxoxoxo The Way - Ariana Grande #nowplaying

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