Saturday, July 18, 2009

I just realised I rank number three in crazy planets only in MY world. -.-
okay. Really total DISAPPOINTMENT. -.-
To think i was happy over the fact that...ah nvrm --..--
quit laughing at me.
YOU. yes YOU.
the one reading this right NOW.

things that you are doing now:
1. Reading my post.
2. Still reading.
4. Didn't realise that I had missed out number 3.
5. Ur checking it now.
6. U r going like WTH?
7. U r thinking I'm lame. *okay, I know that -.-*
8. Ur thinking I really have nothing better to do. *u just thought that. ==*
10. U didn't notice I missed out 9.

GAH. Im bored. SORRY! really really bored okay.
Tee-Hee! kay going swimming now,
Bye. (:

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I can't think up a really nice title for my blog. -.- Suggestions anyone?

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